Virtually every Titans fan had to hear of Jeff Fisher's little stunt he pulled at a charity event at Lipscomb University on Tuesday by pulling his button up shirt off and revealing the enemy; a Peyton Manning Colts jersey.
Now I understand that Fisher was just kidding and that it was all in good fun. Former Colts coach Tony Dungy was there and it was a charity event. However, Fisher has the worst timing possible. And his opening comment didn't help things either by saying, " I just wanted to feel like a winner".
Excuse me? Did I really just hear that come out of a coach's mouth right in the middle of the season? Not to mention just two days after a 59-0 loss that probably even had Patriots fans embarrassed for us.
This comment had to be demoralizing to many of the Titans players. Especially the ones who have given it everything they have this season. We know for sure it didn't sit well with Keith Bullock who said, "It didn't make me laugh at all". He went on to add that it doesn't matter what we think anyways.
Shortly after Sunday's game, many questions were brought up as to whether the Titans quit or not. Patriots safety Rodney Harrison thinks our players quit on Sunday, and maybe some of them did. There's really no way to know for sure.
I've never seen a team go from one of the premiere teams in a conference to the armpit of the entire league so fast. This team has become nothing but dysfunctional.
There's already talks that Fisher's job may be in jeopardy at the end of the season if he doesn't get things turned around quickly. Owner Bud Adams has even said that he needs to review this whole situation to see if any changes are necessary.
The media definitely doesn't seem to think Fisher is the problem, but they don't make the choices for the organization thankfully.
All I can say to Jeff is don't quit your day job to become a comedian, because most of us didn't think it was too funny.
This was a very poor decision by Fisher that, frankly, didn't fit with his whole coaching philosophy. Fisher to me is one of those coaches that takes football very seriously and demands a cetain level of respect and professionalism from his players. He also seems like the type of guy that would've been in no mood to joke around after that embarrassing loss to New England. The Titans are in a huge hole but if they manage to win 6 games, I think Fisher will be back next season.