Just when you thought that steroid cloud that was over Alex Rodriguez's head was starting to pass, another allegation has come out.
A writer for Sports Illustrated has a book coming out entitled "A-Rod" which says Rodriguez took steroids as early as when he was a star player in high school. If this newest allegation is true then I can't help but think that Rodriguez is one of the biggest frauds in the history sport.
Not only did he use steroids while he was in the majors, but now he most likely used steroids to possibly even get to the majors? With the talent A-Rod has he probably still would have went pro without the aid of steroids, but probably would not have been as nearly hyped up.
The result was flashier numbers in high school which eventually got him those hefty contracts as a professional. I've always thought Rodriguez was a egotistical jerk but this just seals the deal.
Rodriguez won't even discuss the issue with reporters saying "I'm not going there". Of course you're not A-rod, because you're fraud!
Whenever he does come back this season he will have enormous pressure on himself to put up great numbers. Not average numbers, but great numbers. The leash on A-rod is so short right now and he's playing in a city that has little patience for their players.
A-rod makes Barry Bonds look like Cal Ripken Jr. If the Yankees make the postseason, don't worry the choke artist will come through. He'll come into the postseason as arrogant as ever because he hit a few home runs and then he'll choke like he always does. Book it.