Nothing like waking up to a robot like creature giving a speech on your television. Oh wait, how careless of me. That was Tiger Woods attempting to apologize for his actions that he displayed.
I'm sorry but when you wait three months to make a public statement and then follow that silence up with what seemed like an insincere apology that was well-rehearsed, then you're getting no sympathy from me.
There were times when Tiger would look blankly at the camera in front of him and then look back down at the podium to gather his next thought.
I'm no speech writing expert, but shouldn't you be able to give a heart-felt apology without the aid of a sheet of paper on a podium?
Here's the main issue I have with these formal public apologies that Tiger and many other athletes have given in the past. How do we know who actually wrote this apology? For all we know he could've hired a speech writer to handle the whole thing. He's certainly got the money for it.
And one more thing. Why didn't Tiger allow the media in the room to ask questions? I can probably answer that question already. Because he simply didn't want to handle the situation on his own. Instead he would rather say whatever he wants to say and be done with it. Many of the people in the room were hand picked by him.
Well that won't last for long once he decides to return to golf. The media will hound him with questions regarding this situation for years to come until he decides to man up to his actions and answer the questions that the public has.
Toward the end of his speech Tiger began to somewhat lash out at the media, and some of it was well deserved. The media has no right to drag his wife, Elin, or his two-year-old daughter into the middle of this. Tiger deserves all of the media scrutiny in the world, but not his family.
However, Tiger then brought the spotlight back onto his own selfishness by denying that he's ever done performance enhancing drugs.
What does that have to do with anything? Stop trying to make a case for yourself. You screwed up and now it's time to deal with it like a man, not like a puppet.
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